Looney Tunes: Taz Mr. Potato Head

Click to get Looney Tunes Taz Mr Potato Head Item ID: #15674
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Get ready for some crazy whirlwind to rush through your space and pretty much destroy everything. It may sound like you cat, Fluffy, but it's actually Taz Mr. Potato Head. This classic Looney Tunes character is now in Potato form and baking up your space. Put Taz in a headlock or keep him in his collector's box cause we've had just about enough mess. This collector Potato Head is just like the classic, all parts can be attached and removed. Looney Tunes are one of the most classic cartoons of all time and this makes it more legit to collect the whole series. Sorry to make it so quick but we're about to terrorize the city with our Taz Potato Head, RAWRRRRR!!

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