Tombstone Soap

Click to get Tombstone Soap Item ID: #15412
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Want to really bum-out your party guests? Just place a dish of Tombstone Soap next to the bathroom sink. As your guests wash up, they'll be reminded of their own mortality and your sick sense of humor. There are two styles to choose. Each one pretty creepy. TOMBSTONE GUEST SOAPS These miniature tombstones measure 1" x 1-1/4" and have a "Freshly Mowed Grave" fragrance. Mmmmmmm. You can almost smell the decay. You get EIGHT tombstones in each package. TOMBSTONE HAND SOAP This larger version offers the popular Rest In Peace initials, R.I.P. It measures about 3 x 4" and also smells like graveyard grass. As twisted as they are, the soaps are actually of very high quality, specially made for us by a disturbed soap maker in Staten Island, NY. Buy some today. You'll love them to death!

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